Diet & Exercise

Diet & Exercise

Need to get in shape for your upcoming wedding? Check out our resources on wedding diets and workouts to help you get fit before the big day!
The obvious first choice a bride makes when thinking about how she will look on her wedding day is her gown is of utmost importance. And of course her headpiece and veil and the jewelry and the shoes. BUT, there are many other things that frame this look and contribute to wedding beauty! This is an exciting time in your life filled with wedding planning appointments that might stretch even further an already tight schedule, leaving you little time for fitness. However, your wedding diet can play an important role on a healthier you and a )
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There is so much involved in the wedding planning process. With so many professionals in your area, choosing between vendors and services in itself can be stressful. Having too much to do and not enough help can cause anxietyespecially if you're an already taxed out bride. Not to mention wedding-related stress can cause a variety of health problems including breakouts, heart problems, poor wedding diet , and high blood pressure. So if you can control your stress for something as important as your own wedding, you will be doing yourself a )
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If ever there were a number one reason to hit the gym, your wedding would be it. It's the perfect opportunity to get in shape and be your best self. While some brides go hard core with boot camps and personal trainers, others cut back on calories and skip dessert on a wedding diet. Whatever your method of shedding those unwanted pounds and toning up for your wedding, here are five tips to keep you healthy and motivated while getting in shape for the big day. Map it Out Just like you have a goal for wedding planning, you should have a plan )
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The day of your wedding is the rated by most as the single most important day for you to look and feel your best. Here, we'll discuss the four biggest weight loss traps that keep you from shedding pounds, and give solutions to help you meet your wedding diet goals for your big day.1. Not consuming enough calories and protein. Many people think that less is more' when it comes to their weight loss. The key to losing weight loss is calorie and protein intake. If we don't take in enough calories and protein our body thinks it is starving and )
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You just tried on dresses and you noticed you weren't quite as tight, toned and slim as you had always imagined when you checked your gown out in the mirror. In fact, you were a bit horrified at the thought of having about a gazillion pictures taken with that arm flab flapping around. It's your wedding after all. You want to be confident. You want to be breathtaking. You want to be that princess that you have always imagined in your dreams. After working with literally thousands of brides prepare for the big day, here are my top 9 Tips for )
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