Browse through wedding reception ideas and unique wedding ideas that will make your special day unforgettable for you and all your guests. Free wedding planning tools.
The wedding planning is centered around the Bride & Groom. But, where would the whole experience be without the wedding guests? So, be sure to pamper them and make them feel welcome. There are many ways to include your wedding guests. Some examples are: Have your wedding guests participate in your wedding day and leave you with memories of who was there by decorating a square of a quilt. You can send each RSVP'd guest along with close family and friends who won't be in attendance at the wedding reception a square and ask them to decorate )
No matter if you're wedding planning a non-stop party or a grand formal affair, here are some tips to help find the wedding venue for your reception, and save yourself some stress in the long run. Start Early Most popular wedding reception sites often book far in advance. As soon as you set a date, you'll want to start your search for a wedding reception site. If you already have a space in mind, call to schedule a meeting with the site manager to get the process started. Some locations will let you reserve space for a short time without )
Selecting a wedding venue for your reception can be an overwhelming task. We've taken the legwork out of your search to help you find the perfect location for you and your groom. 1. Hotel Plazas & Ballrooms Today's hotels run the gamut with stunning interior design and panache, making it a breeze for couples to find one that suits their particular theme or personal style. Most luxury hotels will provide everything you need for the wedding reception (linens, stemware, dance floor and entertainment setup), as well as appoint coordinators to )
Wedding reception drinks are the perfect recipe for fun. From champagne toasts to fruity mixed beverages, wine, spirits and wedding receptions go hand-in-hand. Most couples will have some sort of alcohol available at their reception; it's simply a matter of choosing which bar setup is best for your wedding planning. According to wedding reception bar etiquette, the most popular bar options include: Open Bar: Guests receive complementary alcoholic beverages with unlimited refills. Cash Bar: Guests are required to purchase their own alcoholic )
Planning what to serve for your wedding reception meal may feel like one of the most stressful items on your to-do list, simply because there are so many important details to cover. Formal or causal setting, the size of your budget, and finalizing the guest list are typically the key wedding planning considerations when it comes to your wedding reception meal. But, there are a few other details that require your attention as well. Choosing the Appropriate Time to Serve Your Reception Meal The budget is set; the guest list has been )
Looking for a really unique setting for your wedding venue? A site that resonates with atmosphere, tradition and elegance? Then consider a historical site. Whether it's a Southern plantation, imposing western ranch, century-old courthouse or aging New England inn, a historical site can add unforgettable charm to your celebration. But to make a historical wedding site work with your wedding planning, you must plan, be patient and compromise.You should be prepared to change your plans to make them fit the building.Besides the standard )
Are you looking to preserve your budget but still have an amazing celebration for your wedding day? Here are five alternative wedding receptions that are fun to incorporate into your wedding planning, but won't break the bank.BarbecueGuests will be delighted to celebrate your wedding with this fun-loving party. You can celebrate casually with traditional fare including ribs, chicken and potato salad, or dress up your barbecue with grilled tenderloin, and chicken kabobs.If you are in a location that permits fire pits, consider preparing )
Your cousin Mark, aunt Shirley, kindergarten teacher and sorority sister have all RSVPd yes to your wedding reception. But where do you seat them? Creating a wedding reception seating chart is important for several reasons. For one, it's a kind gesture that let's guests know that their presence is important to you and that you took the time to figure them into your wedding planning. It also helps the wedding coordinator or wedding reception emcee stay on schedule (instead of guests searching and scrambling for available tables, they'll )
Selecting a wedding venue is one of the earliest, and most important tasks on your to-do list. If you've never planned a wedding before, how can you be sure of the questions you'll need to ask to find the perfect venue? That's where we can help! Perfect Wedding Guide planning expert, Susan Southerland, shares eight questions to ask each venue before booking your reception site: #1: What is NOT included in my rental fee or catering package? If your reception is at a hotel or a restaurant, tables, chairs, and linens will probably be included )
Choosing a wedding venue for your reception can be an exciting but overwhelming process. Do you want a ballroom or restaurant, a garden or a museum? Follow these easy steps to make choosing the perfect reception site a breeze.Determine the number of guests you will be hostingThis will help narrow some locations down by size. You don't want to squeeze too many people in a tight space, nor would you want too few people in a large space.Determine how much you can spend on your reception siteSome sites will have rental fees; others will not )
This year,wedding reception decor is getting a bit more personal. From funky centerpieces to boldly-colored chair covers and everything else in between, couples are finding unique ways to infuse elements of their personality into the look and feel of the reception. Here, we list seven reception decor trends for wedding planning that will leave your guests breathless. 1. Endearing Emblems: monograms were a bit hit with weddings in 2008 and 2009. Today, it's all about the embleman icon or design that signifies your union. Incorporate your )
After weeks, months and sometimes years of preparation and wedding planning, your friend or loved one's wedding day is here. And a wedding just wouldn't be a wedding without a toast! If you've been asked to give a toast it's quite an honor (not just anyone gets to hold that microphone), but it can be a little nerve-wracking too. Whether you're the best man, maid of honor, father of the bride, or other honored wedding guest, here are a few tips on how to write and deliver the perfect wedding toast.Procrastination is the First Step to )
Your wedding day will pass by so quickly. You want to be able to enjoy every moment of it. Here are ten tips to make sure you and your guests get the most out of your reception.1. Plan like crazy during the months prior to your wedding, but on the wedding day, let everything go. It is so easy to get caught up on all the details of your wedding reception, but when the big day arrives, there is very little you can do as events unfold. Don't get upset over little things like the cake knife getting lost, or a flower falling out of your bouquet. )
The best wedding receptions occur when you can feel the love in the room. It's magical! You step inside the ballroom and all the guests are engaged. Even if they aren't on the dance floor, they are swaying in their seats. Every bride and groom wants a wedding reception just like that. Here are my secrets to getting your guests involved in your wedding reception. 1. Start on time: Don't keep your guests waiting. Sitting around at the ceremony or standing at the cocktail hour (especially outdoors in the heat or cold) for an extended amount of )